Unemployment insurance for the self-employed: A way forward post-corona

Paul Schoukens, Enzo Weber

    Research output: Working paperDiscussion paperScientificpeer-review


    With the COVID-19 crisis as background, the underlying paper elaborates on setting up an unemployment insurance for self-employed. While a comprehensive approach would have clear advantages, it is crucial to adapt the rules of existing insurances for wage earners appropriately addressing the specific needs of self-employed. Therefore, we discuss key rules and conditions with
    regard to self-employed and derive conclusions on how unemployment insurance for them should
    be designed. In this, we investigate the key elements of such an insurance
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationRegensburg
    PublisherInstitute of Employment Research
    Number of pages25
    Publication statusPublished - 2020

    Publication series

    NameIAB Discussion Paper Series
    ISSN (Print)2195-2663


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