Waar hoort het hoorspel? Over de plaats van het Nederlandstalige hoorspel in oeuvres, poëtica's en literatuurgeschiedenis

Lars Bernaerts, Siebe Bluijs

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleScientificpeer-review


Many literary authors from Flanders and the Netherlands wrote original radio-play scenarios or were otherwise involved in the production of radio plays. Those activities have hardly left any trace in overviews of literary oeuvres or in literary history. How does our perception of literary history, oeuvres and poetics change if we do consider the position of the radio play within these domains? This article explores the relationship between postwar literary innovation and the radio play by examining two authors with quite different poetics (Mark Insingel and Atte Jongstra). It considers whether those poetics (which can be usefully described as neo-avant-gardist and postmodernist respectively) offer an adequate frame to analyze the authors’ radio plays. In this way the article takes a stance on the radio play’s place in literary history.
Original languageDutch
Pages (from-to)225-252
JournalSpiegel der Letteren
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 2019
Externally publishedYes

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