Wat is synodaliteit, en wat vraagt het van de Kerk? Een toegankelijke introductie

Jos Moons

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleScientificpeer-review

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    For a meaningful synodal participation, the People of God need some understanding of its theoretical underpinnings and its practical ramifications. With that purpose, the author of the present article first presents Pope Francis’ reception of the Second Vatican Council. He then highlights the ecclesiological shifts or ‘reconfigurations’ (Myriam Wijlens) that form the foundations of synodality, such as a renewed attention to the Holy Spirit and a more communal imagination of the Church. Thirdly, as synodality is ultimately about ecclesial practice, the authors draws attention to similar shifts in the domain of what one could call ecclesial culture. For example, in a synodal way of proceeding, the virtue of obedience is complemented by the virtue of speaking out. The author concludes with some practical observations.
    Original languageDutch
    Pages (from-to)83-97
    Number of pages15
    JournalCollationes: Vlaams Tijdschrift voor Theologie en Pastoraal
    Publication statusPublished - 2022


    • Heilige Geest
    • Luisteren
    • Participatie
    • Volk Gods
    • vernieuwing

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