Welfare Implications of Personalized Pricing in Competitive Platform Markets: The Role of Network Effects

Qiuyu Lu, Noriaki Matsushima, Shiva Shekhar

Research output: Working paperOther research output


This study explores the welfare impact of personalized pricing for consumers in a duopolistic two-sided market, with consumers single-homing and developers affiliating with a platform according to their outside option. Personalized pricing, which is private in nature, cannot influence expectations regarding the network sizes, inducing the platforms to offer lower participation fees for developers. Those lower fees increase network benefits for consumers, allowing the platforms to exploit these benefits through personalized pricing. Personalized prices are higher when the network value for developers is high, benefiting competing platforms at the expense of consumers. These findings offer policy insights on personalized pricing.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationMunich
Publication statusPublished - 13 Mar 2024

Publication series

NameCESifo Working Paper


  • personalized pricing
  • uniform prices
  • two-sided market
  • content developers


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