Why Trump won

Research output: Working paperOther research output


There was a consensus among the elite journalists, mainstream politicians and Hillary Clinton supporters around the world: Donald J. Trump is a ‘dangerous clown’. Not only is he badly informed; he is a liar, a misogynist, a birther and a racist. Ergo, Trump is not fit to be the commander-in-chief. One assumes that all of this is not only obvious, but also exudes a negative message. The counter-strategy was limited to pointing out his lies and his racist and sexist slurs. All the counter-discourse, in essence, conveyed one message: he is a dangerous idiot, a moron. This strategy overlooked the power of his message and failed to construct a potent counter- movement.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2016


  • Trump
  • politics
  • discourse analysis
  • trumpisms
  • populism
  • nationalism
  • democracy
  • message


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