Worldview conflict in daily life

M.J. Brandt*, Jarret Crawford, D.R. van Tongeren

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Building on laboratory- and survey-based research probing the psychology of ideology and the experience of worldview conflict, we examined the association between worldview conflict and emotional reactions, psychological well-being, humanity esteem, and political ideology in everyday life using experience sampling. In three combined samples (total N = 328), experiencing disagreement compared to agreement was associated with experiencing more other-condemning emotions, less well-being, and less humanity esteem. There were no clear associations between experiencing disagreement and experiencing self-conscious emotions, positive emotions, and mental stress. None of the relationships were moderated by political ideology. These results both replicate and challenge findings from laboratory- and survey-based research, and we discuss possible reasons for the discrepancies. Experience sampling methods can help researchers get a glimpse into everyday worldview conflict.
Keywords: worldview conflict, political ideology, well-being, experience sampling
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)35-43
JournalSocial Psychological and Personality Science
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2019


  • experience sampling
  • political ideology
  • well-being
  • worldview conflict


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