“You needed to accept the situation”: Resilience of nursing home residents in times of COVID-19

J. Witte*, S. Noten, F. Vinckers, A. Stoop, N. Hovenga, E. Landeweer, T. Van Regenmortel

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The restrictive measures taken by nursing homes during the COVID-19 outbreak in 2020 (e.g., quarantine) may have been important stressors for which residents needed resilience to safeguard their well-being. Based on 30 semi-structured interviews with nursing home residents and close relatives, this study explored the lived experiences with respect to the restrictive measures. The data were collected in psychogeriatric, somatic, and mixed wards in The Netherlands and Flanders, Belgium. The restrictive measures were important stressors for residents, indicated by feelings of loneliness, sadness, and powerlessness. To deal with these measures, residents used various resources, which were determined by factors in the individual (e.g., health), interactional (e.g., possibilities for social interactions) and contextual (e.g. nursing home policy) domains. Because the lived experiences with respect to the restrictive measures seemed to relate to the resilience of nursing home residents, it is crucial to reinforce resources in the individual, interactional, and contextual domains.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages11
JournalCanadian Journal of Aging / La Revue canadienne du vieillissement
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 2023


  • aging
  • resilience
  • vulnerable
  • older persons
  • nursing home
  • residents
  • COVID-19


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